Artificial Intelligence and the AI4T project

Artificial Intelligence (AI)
What is Artificial Intelligence or AI, and what are the implications for teachers and students?
With the recent explosion in public discourse about AI and AI in Education, many teachers are exploring the opportunities and challenges presented.
Here, we aim to provide some key information and resources to help your understanding of this key topic and showcase some of our work in this area.
AI Explained. What is AI?
One of the first challenges for teachers is understanding what we mean when talking about AI and frequently used terms such as recommender systems and generative AI.In this Guest Article by Dr. Robert Ross, TU Dublin, he demystifies some of this terminology and plots the evolution of AI in our lives over the last 30 years. From AI in Internet Search and product recommendations to speech recognition and autonomous vehicles, this article gives teachers a broad sense of the influence of AI on our lives Read more.
AI4T Project
With more and more foresight and horizon-scanning research pointing to the increasing influence of Artificial Intelligence on Education, we joined a European Project in 2021 led by the French Ministry for Education. The ‘Artificial Intelligence for and by Teachers’ (AI4T) project is a three-year Erasmus+ funded initiative which explores the incorporation of artificial intelligence into educational experiences at primary and post-primary levels.
One key outcome of this project has been the development of a textbook specific to the role of the teacher.
This textbook addresses the following and more
- Why learn about AI as an educator
- The information ecosystem
- Managing learning- Data and learning management systems
- Personalised learning
- Listening, speaking and writing with AI
To access this open textbook, visit
Professional Learning
In November 2022, post-primary Maths and Language teachers were invited to express an interest in participating in a professional learning programme to support teachers in exploring how Artificial Intelligence tools can support and enhance student learning in these subjects.
Through Spring 2023, teachers engaged in professional learning that included engagement with a MOOC, launch and review days, facilitated network meetings and implementation of an AI tool. The programme’s findings are part of the project evaluation process and will inform future professional development.
Teacher Practice
As part of AI4T and individually, teachers are exploring the use of generative tools such as ChatGPT3 to support their classroom practice. In this Scoilnet learning path, teacher Mark Delahunty has shared how he uses this tool.
For further information on the project and valuable resources, visit
Guidelines for Teachers
EU Ethical Guidelines for Using AI in Teaching & Learning
The European Union’s ethical guidelines for AI in teaching and learning aim to serve two key purposes: firstly, to assist educators in comprehending the possibilities of AI within the realm of education, and secondly, to illuminate the potential risks associated with its deployment. These guidelines are crafted to empower educators, enabling them to interact with AI systems in a positive, discerning, and ethically responsible manner, thereby fully harnessing the capabilities AI has to offer.
Download the Ethical Guidelines for Using AI in Teaching & Learning.
Guidance for generative AI in education and research
UNESCO’s first global guidance on GenAI in education aims to support countries to implement immediate actions, plan long-term policies and develop human capacity to ensure a human-centred vision of these new technologies. The guidance aims to ensure that Generative AI becomes a tool that genuinely benefits and empowers teachers, learners and researchers.
Download the Guidance for Generative AI in Education and Research.