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Digital Technologies in Presentation Secondary School, Waterford

Digital Technologies in Presentation Secondary School, Waterford

Video Overview

Staff at Presentation Secondary School Waterford discuss the infrastructure and device management in the school, staff CPD and the technology projects staff and students are running across the school.


School management explains their digital infrastructure and how it is managed. Teachers can book into computer rooms virtually and have access to computers twice a day. Informal and formal CPD is encouraged within the staff along with the sharing of new resources and knowledge. School has a digital team that is linked with DEIS and split into sub groups. School is linked with Microsoft as DreamSpace Ambassadors. They are also Webwise ambassadors, running internet safety day. School works hard to support their EAL students using technology.

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Digital Learning Framework

This video supports the following statements of the Digital Learning Framework (DLF):

Teaching & Learning (4. Teachers’ Collaborative Practice)

  • 4.1 Teachers value and engage in professional development and professional collaboration

Teaching & Learning (4. Teachers’ Collaborative Practice)

  • 4.4 Teachers contribute to building whole- staff capacity by sharing their expertise

Visit DL Planning to explore what other areas of the DLF are supported in this video, and to help you to plan for digital learning in your class.

, Post-primary, Coding, Collaboration, Digital Citizenship, Internet Safety, Planning/Digital Learning Framework

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