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ICT & Numeracy –Scratch

Video Overview

A 6th class teacher describes using Scratch, to support the development of her pupils’ numeracy skills. In this lesson, pupils explore the topic of angles within the strand unit Shape and Space. Pupils explore Mathematical terms through guided discovery on Scratch.


Class teacher explains the Scratch coding platform and its benefits. Scratch can be integrated across the curriculum. She explains how her students have become more independent and eager to learn while using Scratch.

Courses that you might be interested in

Coding and Computational Thinking Using Scratch (Primary)

Digital Learning Framework

This video supports the following statements of the Digital Learning Framework (DLF):

Teaching & Learning (1. Learner Outcomes)

  • 1.1 Pupils use appropriate digital technologies to foster active, creative and critical engagement in attaining challenging learning outcomes.

Teaching & Learning (2. Learner Experiences)

  • 2.1 Pupils engage purposefully in meaningful learning activities
    Pupils use digital technologies for sourcing, exchanging of info

Visit DL Planning to explore what other areas of the DLF are supported in this video, and to help you to plan for digital learning in your class.

Teaching & Learning, Primary, Assessment/Assessment Tools, Coding, Collaboration, Online Resources, Primary Language Curriculum, STEM

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