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This section covers guidance on school networking and WiFi. If schools need advice in this area, please email us at .

Networking and WiFi
To an increasing extent over the past number of years the school network, including the WiFi network, have become critical elements of schools Digital Technology Infrastructure. Within a school the network connects the various digital elements such as computing devices, fixed network and wifi network etc., It also connects the school network to the internet via the schools broadband connection.

When schools are seeking to purchase a new WiFi system or upgrade their existing system they need to purchase a system that is fit-for-purpose for their school situation. Schools generally have a higher number and density of WiFi devices compared to other situations, and need to purchase a system which can meet the demanding needs of education today.

Oide-TiE has developed a new WiFi Network Guide for Schools, which is available here.

Wireless Technical and Purchasing Considerations: The Wireless purchasing framework which had been in place for 4 years, and which many schools and ETBs successfully used to procure wifi is no longer in place. If schools are considering purchasing suitable WiFi and are seeking objective guidance, including technical advice, please email us at .

Wireless Technical Guidance for ‘new build’ Schools

Post Primary Schools

For Post Primary schools involved in new build or refurbishment programmes the ‘Guidance Document for the Provision of Wireless Network Installations in Post Primary Schools’ will assist schools in working with their school builders in helping to understand the wifi-enabled building specification. The guideline is available here:

Primary Schools

For Primary or Special schools involved in new builds or refurbishments the ‘Guidance Document for the Provision of Wireless Network Installations in Primary Schools’ will assist schools in working with their school builders, in helping to understand the new wifi-enabled building specification. The document is available here:

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